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Managed Loyalty

Maximize your loyalty platform by putting it in expert hands

Take your loyalty program to the next level with Spoonity’s Managed Loyalty service that optimizes your marketing campaigns and increases your profit.

Friends looking at their app for Managed loyalty
Couple sharing lunch thanks to managed brand loyalty with Spoonity

A multifaceted team to manage your loyalty platform

Our Managed Loyalty Team combines the best of four key specialty areas to help you advance your program.

Icon loyalty expert with managed loyalty

Loyalty Expert

to define strategies
and guide you

Icon analyst managed loyalty


to report and adapt
for best results

Icon strategy for managed loyalty

Strategy & Execution Coordinator

to implement

Icon Machine learning for managed loyalty

Machine Learning

to deeply understand
your customers

Loyalty Expert Consultant

to define strategies and guide you

Data Analyst

to report and adapt for best results

Strategy & Execution Coordinator

to implement tactics

Machine Learning Specialist

to deeply understand your customers

Through scheduled meetings with your Managed Loyalty Team, you’re regularly informed on strategy development, campaign creation and ongoing data analysis.

Sophisticated business intelligence for micro-segmenting

We analyze your data to further segment your customer base, far beyond the typical (location, age and gender). This lets you super-personalize your loyalty campaigns and laser-focus your communications with customers for better experiences.

Dashboard segment area from Spoonity
Dashboard segment area from Spoonity
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Custom strategies,
campaigns and tactics

From design and implementation right through to analyzing and customization, Spoonity’s Managed Loyalty helps you:

Icon Key metrics

Analyze key metrics

Icon Time

Save time and resources by
defining loyalty objectives

Icon Pivot

Pivot and adjust
according to precise data

Icon undeal

Apply the ideal strategies and
tactics to meet goals

Icon Mazimize

Maximize you loyalty program

Icon Conduct

Conduct personalized segment marketing

Icon Increase

Increase your revenue

Spoonity the loyalty strategies diagram

Design strategies based on the customer lifecycle

The loyalty strategies we create are based on specific stages in a customer’s lifecycle in order to ensure the ideal tactic is implemented at the ideal times.


Upsell Campaigns

Recover Campaigns

More orders MoM
0 %
Increase in frecuency
0 %
More orders MoM
0 %
Increase in orders
0 %
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Execute the right loyalty strategy at the right time

Customers go through different stages in their lifecycle. Our team executes the correct strategy at every point in time in order to keep members at their highest loyalty level for as long as possible.

Friends sharing - Loyalty managed by Spoonity
Friends sharing - Loyalty managed by Spoonity
orange background

Optimize your loyalty results